

アメリカ人はあまり“I am sorry”と言わないし、あまりいうと不利になると聞いたことありますよね?

あと日本人ほどあまり”I am sorry”を言わないのも事実。

I apologize…
I am sorry…


1. 一般的な謝罪:

“I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. I appreciate your understanding.”

“I’m sorry for the trouble this has caused. I will make sure to prevent this from happening in the future.”

2. 遅刻や期限の遅れを説明する。言い訳が大事!

“I apologize for being late. There was an unexpected traffic jam on my way here.”

“I’m sorry for missing the deadline. I encountered some unforeseen complications that took longer to resolve than anticipated.”

3. 体調不良や個人的な理由:

“I apologize for my absence. I was feeling unwell and decided to stay home to recover.”

“I’m sorry for not being able to attend. I had a personal matter that required my immediate attention.”

4. ミスを認める:

“I apologize for the mistake. I misunderstood the instructions and will ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

“I’m sorry for the oversight. I didn’t realize the impact it would have, and I am taking steps to correct it.”

5. すぐに返信しなかったことに関する謝罪と言い訳:

“I apologize for not responding sooner. I have been swamped with work and lost track of time.”
“I’m sorry for the delay in my response. I had a packed schedule and couldn’t get to it earlier.”

6. コミュニケーションの問題:(混乱が起きてごめん)

“I apologize for any confusion. There seems to have been a misunderstanding, and I take full responsibility for that.”
“I’m sorry for the miscommunication. I should have been clearer in my explanation.”
I apologize…
I’m sorry…


7. Regretを使った表現:

“I regret any inconvenience this may have caused.”
“I regret the oversight and appreciate your understanding.”

8. Forgiveをつかった表現:

“Please forgive me for the mistake.”
“I hope you can forgive the delay.”

Appreciate your understanding 表現:

9. とても丁寧な謝罪かな?

“My apologies for the confusion.”
“My apologies for the delay in response.”

10. これも丁寧です。

“Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience.”
“Please accept my apologies for the oversight.”



あなたのやりたいことをじっくり聞いて、そのゴールに向かって最適なレッスンスケジュールを提案します。 一度お問い合わせください。オンラインレッスンが好評です。



