



1. Bite the bullet

例文: ”I know the task is difficult, but you’ll just have to bite the bullet and get it done.”

2. Hit the nail on the head

例文: ”When you said we need better communication, you hit the nail on the head.”

3. An arm and a leg

例文: ”That designer dress must have cost an arm and a leg!”

4. jump on the bandwagon

例文: ”Everyone is playing that new video game. I guess I’ll jump on the bandwagon too.”

5. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

例文: ”You’re as talented as your mother. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

6. Spill the beans

例文: ”Don’t spill the beans about the surprise party!”

7. Pull someone’s leg

例文: ”I was just pulling your leg! I didn’t really see a ghost.”

いかがですか? わかりましたか?例文があるとわかりやすいですね。

1. Bite the bullet
意味: 「不快なことや困難なことに立ち向かう」

例文: ”I know the task is difficult, but you’ll just have to bite the bullet and get it done.”

2. Hit the nail on the head
意味: 「まさにその通り、的を射ている」

例文: ”When you said we need better communication, you hit the nail on the head.”

3. An arm and a leg
意味: 「高額な出費」

例文: ”That designer dress must have cost an arm and a leg!”

4. jump on the bandwagon
意味: 「人気のあるものや動きに乗じる」

例文: ”Everyone is playing that new video game. I guess I’ll jump on the bandwagon too.”

5. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
意味: 「親子は似る、特に性格や態度が」

例文: ”You’re as talented as your mother. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

6. Spill the beans
意味: 「秘密を漏らす」

例文: ”Don’t spill the beans about the surprise party!”

7. Pull someone’s leg
意味: 「誰かをからかう、冗談を言う」

例文: ”I was just pulling your leg! I didn’t really see a ghost.”

先週書きました、“work with English words”というテクニックを使って覚え込んで使ってくださいね。


あなたのやりたいことをじっくり聞いて、そのゴールに向かって最適なレッスンスケジュールを提案します。 一度お問い合わせください。オンラインレッスンが好評です。



